Kindle Your Passion for books again

Today I almost fell off the chair with excitement when I read an article about Amazon's Digital Book Reader, a portable, superlight, wireless reading device. How come I have just caught up with it ? Where have I been ? Think about it ! No more lugging huge bags of books with you, art and creativity at your fingertips. What an amazing way to while away the time on a plane or airport with your own choice of reading material on your own Kindle screen instead of a boring old re-run of a film that will turn your brain to custard. You don't need a computer - you don't need wires, and its just like reading print on paper. Kindle books cost less too, than paper ones, and we can save the trees at the same time as enjoying a unique reading experience. Whether your choice is art, creativity, hobbies, stock cars or Harry Potter there is something for you - you can even try a book out and read the beginning for free to see if you like it first. You can shop, search and...