How to Create Your Own Reality - The Experiment on The Day of the Foul Mood

Normally I am a calm and rational person. I drift coolly around & don't get too fazed by what happens until I get completely wound up by stress or an accumulation of life's events - doesn't everyone I wondered ?
Today I was in an extra foul mood. OK, I know that I should know better, I should sit and contemplate my navel or something, do some affirmations, think love, peace and harmony but just for today, I wanted to experience the foulest of foul moods and see what happens.
Well, right, I did rather ask for it I guess. I knew it was a mistake from the word go.
Almost the second I stepped out of bed it started - I tripped on a pillow carelessly flung down, stepped on the cats tail, lurched down the hall into the bathroom and trod on a slug ! A slug ? From where ? You might well ask. If it were possible to continue on the downward path so early in the morning then it went quickly down hill again - the experiment was certainly working well. Every meal starting with toast was burnt, lunch was booked out & tea, naturally, was burnt, the compost bucket fell over and the whole day went the same way.
I won't bore you with all the gory details but in short it was a day from hell where everything I picked up seemed set to fall apart and everyone I spoke to seemed unusually ratty. I argued with someone I barely knew at the end of the phone, argued with my better half ( he sure was a better half today !) and even the cat disappeared out the door away from me and sat at the other end of the garden all day until I resumed my normal demeanor. Now THAT should have rung alarm bells for a start but I have discovered you don't even notice the most obvious things let along go for any affirmation prizes !
What was really interesting was that the more I got into the foul mood, the worse I felt, and the worse things fell apart. This made me think of the supreme importance of getting your head right first, in fact if you get up getting your head wrong you may as well reverse back into the garage and stay there for the rest of the day.
If we accept the precept that we create our own reality then today was a classic example of it - for sure ! I created for myself a day out of the box - the negative box. Time to cancel it all out.
Even the paintbrush wouldn't go right today - even black paint then white wouldn't paint this lot out but maybe just a short time out to rethink and time out to release the negative thinking will do. I tried it but having got myself into an extra gear in the wrong direction I found that the more I "tried" the harder it became until in utter frustration I just gave it all up. It worked !!
This applies to internet marketing too - before you even log on you need to get your head right, to tune in and think along the lines that you intend to go, otherwise, as I discovered today you can go right off the rails in double quick time and end up in the bog right up to your neck !
Head first has a whole new meaning ! Try it, you will find everything runs smoother, there is less effort and if you strike obstacles they could even end up being funny, or you could use then as an experiment for yourself like my foul mood today. Whew ! I'm pleased its over though !