This fabulous photo reminds me every day to look for the gold within every situation. There is always some small, bit of gold dust or if you are lucky a huge great gold nugget in any situation you are in. I read a book once about this dude who used to sit on a rock and wonder how he could make his fortune, he sat day after day and thought how he could sell the farm and go somewhere where he could become rich and successful. Man, he could hardly wait ! The day came when he sold the farm and he moved away faster than a rat up a drainpipe. Guess what, the person who purchased the farm discovered that the very rock that this guy had sat on day after day contained a precious mineral - silver (or it may have been gold, I can't remember now). Moral is, look for the gold within whatever situation you are now in ! Life is now. It is not a dress rehearsal. If you fall flat on your face, maybe there is a photo opportunity there :) May...