Rivers of Life
Where is your river taking you in your life ?
Are you a leaf being pushed around with the forces of the rivers of life or are you moving to your own energy patterns ?
Are you moving to the beat of your own drum or are you dancing to someone elses tune ? It is pretty easy to just drift along in life and suddenly you realize that you aren't going anyplace, anytime soon ! Maybe it might take a catastrophic occasion to get you to see it or maybe some small thing will trigger that aha moment when you suddenly "get it" and realize its totally up to you. One thing is for sure, if you don't set your own course then someone, or something else will decide for you - its a bit like hopping on a bus without checking the destination and then bleating that its not going where you want to go ! How many of us spend time and energy worrying about things that will never happen, or become depressed because we are not getting anywhere but if you do what you always do, you will get what you always get.
Just imagine every time you get depressed, or start complaining about your life putting that energy into affirming what you do want. How much faster will you get there ? Are you stuck in a rut because you haven't decided where you want to go or be or, even worse, haven't even realized you were in a rut ?
It doesn't take much to change your life, just a few minutes working on what you want, in fact the hardest part is deciding what actually it is that you do want and where you want to be headed in your own river of life.